Wednesday, March 14, 2007

How lazy does it sound to say that I haven't had the energy to blog?

Really, though, it's true.

I've done a lot of blogging in my head. Too bad my brain isn't somehow connected to my laptop with some sort of wacky brain cable.

The reason I have no energy is that I'm really rather anemic. I had blood work done last week, and found out that my iron is substantially lower than it was in October. It was pretty low even then.

So, taking iron supplements isn't working. I take it three times a day. I'm sure that having had my stomach re-arranged several years ago (weight loss surgery) has something to do with it. My doctor thinks it is tied into my recurring abdominal pain - pain which is somewhat worse than the appendicitis I had last summer, if that's any indication. Oh, I can't wait til April 4th - I'm scheduled to have both an endoscopy AND a colonoscopy the same afternoon. Yeah, they'll be shoving things into me from both ends. Whee.

And for the anemia? I have to go have IV iron infusions. Each one takes about 2 hours, I'm told, and I'll have one once a week for five weeks. Here's hoping I get my energy back, and can once again be Super Yoga Girl! Right now I get winded just walking Dusty three blocks home from preschool.

In other news, I bought this on etsy the other day. Aren't the colors gorgeous? I'm wearing it right now, and it's so comfy cozy. She even included a pair of sweet little earrings as a free gift. Etsy people are the best.

Speaking of which, here's the link to my etsy shop. Go buy something - you know you want to.

I'm getting a facial tomorrow! I've never had one before. My friend and next door neighbour Shae is an aesthetician/aromatherapist, and I'm getting a facial in exchange for providing them with free wireless internet from our house. Well, The Husband is the one who set that up - but I'm the one who benefits. Sweet.

Oh, and if you're in Longmont (Colorado, that is), my artwork will be on display at this really cute little vintage boutique type place downtown for the next month. It'll be mostly my art quilts, dolls, and a few paintings. The name of the store is Rose Buds. Check it out!

Dusty said to me today "I'm as strong as Daddy now! But not as strong as you are yet, mommy. " Heh.


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